Technology to empower
«software vendors»
Yatta is all about development and evolution. Striving for a future where software and technology surround, enrich and serve us is everyone's responsibility — we just made it our job.
We help you...
Whether you develop apps, platforms, services, systems or any other custom software, we help startups and enterprises develop better and more software.
Build and monetize software products with Yatta CheckoutDevelop custom software projects to engineer your futureScale
Developing your software product or service is just the beginning. We help you monetize and sell your digital products —with everything you need to go global.
Monetize, sell and scale your digital productsMonetize and sell developer tools to Eclipse IDE usersTransform
All companies are becoming software companies. Whether you are a startup or enterprise, developer or entrepreneur: How can we help you develop, grow and evolve?
Transform your business with custom software solutionsRead and share thoughts about how to develop and growCustomers that have trusted us
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Tech is a team effort—and we're always looking for ambitious, driven and talented co-workers. In engineering, UI/UX design, event management—and beyond.