Yatta At OOP 2017

The latest trends in software technology

OOP 2017
Yatta Logo (aka Yatta Hiro)


Editorial team

“Details matter” is the motto of this year’s OOP. The 2017 conference for software architectures will take place from 30 January to 2 February at the International Congress Center Munich (ICM). Like every year, it will be accompanied by a trade fair running from 31st January to 2nd February. Showcasing new trends in software technology, the popular industry get-together will once again ring in a new year in technology. Yatta Solutions GmbH will be an exhibitor at the expert forum “Digitization”, and the Yatta team will deliver several technical talks. What’s more, Yatta will present an entire expert forum focusing on the latest trends in software development and architecture: the Technology Forum.

Technology Forum by and with Yatta

On Wednesday, 1 February, Yatta will present the Technology Forum, an expert day at OOP 2017. Eight speakers will give insights into the latest trends and topics in modern software technology, ranging from Big Data and Machine Learning to AngularJS for the Java EE stack and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Yatta experts will also give two talks at the Technology Forum: At 10.30 am, Dr. Andreas Scharf, Software Developer at Yatta, will talk about “Teamwork with Eclipse made more efficient – with Profiles”. In his talk, Andreas will show a quick and easy way to share and update entire workspace setups with developer teams using Yatta Profiles for Eclipse. He will also give a short live demo.

Frederic Ebelshäuser, Project Lead and Software Engineer at Yatta, and Malte Brunnlieb, Software Engineer at Capgemini, will also cover a similar topic in an additional talk at the Technology Forum. At 12.50 pm, they will talk about “IDE Provisioning – Tackling the challenges of software engineers’ daily work”. Provisioning IDEs with a project-specific configuration often poses enormous challenges, especially in large software projects. A combination of the Capgemini project oasp4j-ide and Yatta Profiles for Eclipse might provide a remedy, as Frederic and Malte will demonstrate.

Yatta booth in the Digitization Forum

For those of you interested in a quick and easy set-up and provisioning of the Eclipse IDE: At the Yatta booth (No. 6.4), which can be found in the Digitization Forum from 30 January to 2 February , OOP attendees have the opportunity to learn more about Yatta Profiles for Eclipse, e.g. how to install, save, and share entire workspace setups using this free tool.

The Eclipse IDE in the Cloud age

The Digitization Forum will also host a talk by Dr. Andreas Scharf on 31st of January at 11.50 am, “The Eclipse IDE in the Cloud age”. Andreas will talk about the changes that the Cloud trend brings to well-established IDEs such as Eclipse. He will demonstrate how, thanks to Cloud technologies, developer teams can handle fully configured Eclipse IDEs more easily without sacrificing the advantages of a desktop IDE.


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