Leif Geiger re-elected to lead WG Software Engineering

Working group re-elects Leif Geiger as chairman

Leif 2015
Yatta Logo (aka Yatta Hiro)


Editorial team

Dr. Leif Geiger, Lead Customer Projects at Yatta, has been confirmed as chairman of Bitkom's working group Software Engineering. Congratulations, Leif!

Last year, the Working Group first elected Leif as new the chairman. At the Bitkom meeting in the context of the event DevOps in practice on 23 May, 2017 in Frankfurt, members once more cast their votes in favor of Leif and confirmed him in the role of working group chairman.

Yatta has been an active Bitkom member since 2011. As an innovative company that promotes first-class software technology "made in Germany", we are particularly committed to the field of software engineering. This is highlighted by our active participation in the corresponding Bitkom working group: Leif’s predecessor as chairman, Dr. Christian Schneider, is also a Yatta founder and shareholder.

Bitkom is the association of the German information and telecommunication industry whose goal is to create ideal conditions for companies in the industry. The Working Group Software Engineering advocates excellent software engineering.

About Leif Geiger

Dr. Leif Geiger is co-founder and shareholder of Yatta. He holds a PhD in Software Engineering and is responsible for customer projects. As a technical expert, Leif brings more than 11 years of experience as a software architect and engineer to the position. Leif is married and a passionate mountain biker. Sometimes he even takes his son along in his bike trailer.


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