German Brand Institute awards our branding

German Brand Award 2023 for child and Yatta
Yatta Logo (aka Yatta Hiro)


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German Brand Award 2023: child and Yatta recognized for logo rebranding, with a special mention for corporate brand.

In collaboration with child – Studio for applied strategy, Yatta has been honored with the German Brand Award 2023 in the category “excellence in brand strategy and creation – brand design”. The jury awarded our efforts twice in Brand Design Logo and Corporate Brand Identity with the German Brand Award 2023 Winner and Special Mention. The award ceremony took place in Berlin on Thursday, June 15, 2023.

Branding is a success factor

The German Brand Award is an annual competition organized by the German Brand Institute. Since its establishment in 2016 by the German Design Council and GMK Markenberatung, the award aims to emphasize the significance of brand management as a crucial success factor in a competitive environment. With over 1,200 submissions each year, the award has gained recognition among companies, agencies, and service providers. It is considered as one of the marketing prizes with the widest reach in the German-speaking area.

The jury's decision considers aspects of the degree of innovation, sustainability, future viability, as well as design quality, homogeneity, and economic success. The jury consists of independent, interdisciplinary experts from companies, science, consulting, services, and agencies.

Connecting technology and human nature

Our Yatta branding aims to continue the heritage of our company and emphasizes the human aspect of technology. For the Yatta logo and the corporate font, type designer René Bieder created a customized version of the Galano Grotesque to meet functional requirements and give it a more independent character. The new font was named Hiro Grotesque, inspired by the main character of the TV-series “Heroes”. As a software company, Yatta also had the technical Pondon designed, the Hiro Mono. As a non-proportional typeface based on Hiro Grotesque, this monospace font is specially developed for the use of code.

Do you want to know more about our (re-)branding?

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Artur Lang
Brand Lead + co-founder
+49 69 2475666-0


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