Bitkom’s Software Steering Committee: Yatta Co-Founder Leif Geiger Re-Elected As Co-Chairman

Leif Geiger Image 8 December 2022
Yatta Logo (aka Yatta Hiro)


Editorial team

Bitkom, Germany's association for the digital economy, re-elected the members of the steering committee for its software committee. Dr. Kim Laurenroth, digital design lecturer at the Faculty of Computer Science at the FH Dortmund was re-elected as chairman. Alongside Holger Koch, product owner at DB Systel GmbH, Yatta co-founder Dr. Leif Geiger was re-elected co-chairman.

“I feel honored and look forward to continuing to serve as co-chairman of the Bitkom Software Steering Committee for another year,” said Leif.

The Bitkom software committee includes working groups on Digital Design, Open Data & Open API, Open Source, Software Engineering & Software Architecture, Project Management, as well as Usability & User Experience (UUX).

Bitkom is the association for the German information and telecommunication industry whose goal is to improve framework conditions for thriving digital industry in Germany. Its Software Steering Committee advocates for software to improve people’s daily lives, at work and at home.

Leif Geiger is a co-founder, product manager & software engineer at Yatta. As a scientific idealist, he is also a true tech evangelist. Besides his commitments at Bitkom, he is also an active committer to various open-source projects including as project lead of the Eclipse Marketplace Client. In his private life, Leif is a father, husband and mountain biker.


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